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Prime Escape Project

A First Person SciFi Shooter

Highlights Summary Video

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You play as a prisoner on a space station. 

Steal a weapon and shoot your way out through a horde
of alien enemies. 

Use covers to dodge enemy projectiles. 

Jump over obstacles and solve puzzles. 

Blast your way to freedom in this action sci-fi fps project. 


  • Individual solo project spanning 5 weeks of work. 

  • Focus on level design, basic scripting & simple graphics

  • Level design and space-planning.

  • Enemy movement and behavior simulation.  



  • Using Unreal Engine 5 first-person template.

  • Scripts and some meshes made by me.

  • Used "GoodSky" pack by Uneasy Gamedev - blueprints
    for space


The Project

Enemies will appear in your way and attempt to stop you.

  • The level is built up by corridors and combat arenas.

  • The enemies shoot projectiles at the player which needs to be avoided

  • In some areas, the player can approach the battles in different ways by either jumping over obstacles or taking cover behind them.

  • Some simple puzzles need to be solved for the player to proceed at certain times. 

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Top down perspective


Measures variate between some environment objects.
However, these were mainly the measures kept in mind that worked best with the first-person character.



The Process

Overview: 3 Acts

Act 1

Refined Overview


Act 2


Act 3


Planning a good balance between corridors and combat arenas.


Also testing out different enemy approaches with how many enemies attack from each side and such.


With combat in focus, puzzles were added later.

(Not everything from drawings is final).

Whitebox Progression

The Enemies


The Enemies are simply a mesh with a blueprint. 
A hitbox is placed on the enemy.
When this hitbox is shot a certain amount of times, it switches to a similar mesh but with a dead enemy instead.


To make the enemies move around, sequences were created that could be triggered at certain places. 


For the enemies to shoot, another blueprint was created with an emissive cylinder for the projectile
trigger box is placed for the player to walk into.
This trigger the projectile to move with a
timeline after a set amount of time to be timed with when the enemy has moved to position


This blueprint also has a hitbox that destroys the script after being shot by the player.

Playthrough with commentary (Subtitles Recommended)

Final Thoughts

My goal with this project was mainly to make something simple and fun, but with a lot of thought behind it. 
The game needed to feel right to play through, and the level design needed to work well.

During the gold stage of this project, I let as many people as I can playtest and give feedback. 
This kept my "to-do" list updated and gave me the possibility to make the game fun and playable to several playstyles.

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